Thursday, January 1, 1970

Halbert outduels Brightman, Stags Beat Celtics (12/1/46)

New month, same old Boston Celtics. For the first time all season a Celtics player went off to carry the team. Al Brightman hit 10 shots and six free throws for 26 points.....and it wasn't enough. The Chicago Stags rolled over the Celtics as Chick Halbert pumped in 29 with 14 from Don Carlson and 10 from Max Zaslofsky. The Celtics next biggest scorer was Wyndol Gray with just 6 points. The Celtics were actually tied with the Stags heading into the fourth quarter but the Stags went on 19-9 run to put the game away. The Celtics have now lost 11 of their first 13 games with a 66-56 loss to the Stags at Chicago Stadium.
                                                 "Hear that? That's another loss incoming"

Basketbawful Report:

Art Spector, Mel Hirsch and Virgil Vaughn didn't play to earn the Ellison.

Chuck Connors countered 4 points with 5 fouls for the Hamilton.

Harold Kottman countered 1 point with 2 fouls for the Hamilton

Jackass of The Night is Chuck Connors. He bricked shots, missed a free throw and committed five fouls in a game decided by 10 points.
                                                                 Jackass Connors

Final Thoughts:

The Celtics simply can't buy a win at this point. The Simmons brothers and Gray were held in check by the Stags despite Brightman trying his best to match Chick Halbert. Not much left can be said apart from this is going to be a long season full of misery for the undermanned Celtics. Once again they were down three guys and it showed as the starters could do nothing right. Maybe down the road the team will be good but definitely not right now. It would have been a hell of a victory if they pulled it off but Al Brightman got no help at all. The Celtics have a chance to beat the Pittsburgh Ironmen again tomorrow night. Let's see how it goes.

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