Thursday, January 1, 1970

Basketbawful Report of The Month (11/46)

Connie Simmons - +2 suck differential, 3 Jackass

Chuck Connors - 2 Jackass

Warren Fenley - 1 Hamilton

Wyndol Gray - +2 suck differential, 1 Hero, 1 Jackass

Mel Hirsch - 1 Ellison, 1 Jackass

Johnny Simmons - 1 Hamilton, 1 Jackass

Tony Kappen - 1 Jackass

Harold Kottman - 1 Hero

Art Spector - 3 Ellison, 1 Jackass

Red Wallace - 1 Ellison

Jackass of The Month is Connie Simmons with 3 Jackass

Heroes of the Month are Wyndol Gray and Harold Kottman with 1 Hero

Injured Player of The Month is Art Spector with 3 Ellison

Suck differential leaders were Wyndol Gray and Connie Simmons with +2 each

Hamilton leaders were Johnny Simmons and Warren Fenley with 1 Hamilton

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