Saturday, January 8, 2011

Off-Day Report (1/8/11)

Just when I thought the Celtics were back on track after getting Jermaine O'Neal back, Kevin Garnett went down with a strained calf against Detroit.

On New Year's eve Rajon Rondo made his return in a loss to the New Orleans Hornets (Glen Davis missed the buzzer beater) and the Celtics then ripped off 4 straight wins (Toronto, Minnesota, San Antonio and Toronto again). Rondo's return to full health gives the Celtics the inside presence to attack the paint, feeding off Rondo's crisp passes. Nate Robinson struggled at the point but off the ball he's free to fire at will.

Garnett's injury has given Davis the starting role where he's excelled with Jermaine O'Neal in relief. Davis outplayed Tim Duncan in the showdown with San Antonio and has posted double digit points in most of the games he's played in this year. Rondo and O'Neal's return was good but if they're going to go on a run to catch San Antonio they're going to need everyone healthy.

Garnett should be back next week with Kendrick Perkins coming back at the end of the month, plus Delonte West being the final piece at the all-star break.

The Celtics stand at 28-7 and in order to be compared to the 86 Celtics they'd have to go 39-8 the rest of the way. That could be impossible without a full, healthy roster. Getting Garnett back will definitely give them a shot at 60 wins provided they don't suffer anymore serious injuries, but in order to truly dominate they'll need everyone.